Thursday, December 11, 2008

BVud for Govenor-2010

I'd probably be President right now if I hadn't been in the hospital so long--it makes it hard to campaign. it would still be historic, the first diabetic president. There would be alot of people in wahington looking for new jobs. Not just replacing people, but totally abolishing a whole bunch of jobs! Secretary of State, I don't think so. I don't need a liason to tell other countries what we will or won't do or tolerate. I know a few young accountants who know what a budget is and not to spend more than you have. Bailout isn't in my dictionary and until we get out of Iraq, the 10 billion a month we are spending comes out of the money they make from their oil. Four years is a long way off, so I'll just get my feet wet being governor for a couple years. I'm also thinking of moving the Capital to Colorado and changing the National Anthym to "Rockie Mountain High" Far Out! Gotta go for now---Bye


Nick said...

There was a Soviet leader with diabetes: Mikhail Gorbachev. And I may be mistaken, but I believe President Warren G. Harding may have been diabetic. Perhaps not, though. So when are you going to write a post about Michigan basketball, which suddenly appears viable again?

:: Nick

BUD's World (Halsey's) said...

I should have been more clear, I meant real diabetes--type 1. It's the one that you have to have your sense of humor, your wit, that go against the odds and a great strong family, even if some live in St, Louis. Michigan basketball could be a good example for the football team. 2nd year coach from West Virgina starting to turn things around? there may be hope Can't wait to see all41!2 of you. We can stay up late and watch Lou Dobbs, Nancy Grace and if we can find him, Glenn Beck. Do you think I could move to Chicago and become a democrat contender? Oh, I forgot, Ihave no money!! GREATto hear from you Bud

The Stump Clan said...

Who is BVud? he he!

BUD's World (Halsey's) said...

My computer uses a very complicated,coded, security system!! I'd explain it to you, but then I' d have to destroy your computer! HValsey